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BoRa Fazenda Bananal

Bananal Farm is a Naturalized Park where families can spend afternoons engaging in interactive attractions that foster a deep connection with nature. Here, you can learn about sustainability through practical experiences, workshops, outdoor exhibitions, the Night Forest, bamboo grove games, historic house exhibitions, or even enjoy a delightful family picnic.

The BoRa app serves as a visitor communication tool, providing educational and accessible content that allows people to explore the farm in a playful and gamified manner.


 BoRa Fazenda Bananal

Discover more about the Farm and its attractions:

Explore all the apps developed by Fubá Environmental Education here:

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Empresa inscrita no
CRBIO-1 No. 001828/01 
Responsável técnica: Mayla Valenti CRBIO: 086069/01-D

Rua Dona Alexandrina N° 1388 Sala 02

CEP 13566-290

São Carlos -SP

Company registered with
CRBIO-1 No. 001828/01
Technical responsible: Mayla Valenti CRBIO: 086069/01-D

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